Saturday, September 6, 2008

Union Square Beginnings

Yesterday, I wrote a letter. I decided to pour out everything that was on my head. Something like a journal entry. With everything I thought out on the table. To clear my mind, and let me say the things I couldn't out loud. And then. I realized I had no one to give it to.

So I sit in Union Square, NYC, surrounded by people, but completely alone. And then I realized. Everyone sitting around me. Quiet. Intune with only their own world and feelings. Is just like me. They are here because they crave connection. Subconciously or not.

Some are more upfront about it. Like me.

So I addressed my letter. "You, whoever you are." And as I folded it, just like a highschool note. I wrote on the back. "You look lonely too."

And I walked. I circled the crowds and looked for the loneliest looking girl I could find. And after about 20 minutes of circling I saw her. I walked right up. And didn't say anything. I just held out the note, she looked up and took it. Then I turned my back and walked away.

5 minutes passed. And she found me, smiling. And thanked me.

Well, Thank you, Maria. I wish I hadn't been speechless.

I'm gonna keep writing. And sharing. And making connections in small ways. And healing my broken little world. One page at a time. - N

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