Monday, August 3, 2009

Loose Change

If you can make it here. You can make it anywhere.

It's come to the break point. My time in NYC hinges on whether or not chance befalls me. To cater to the wills of the affluent and continue my meager lifestyle or to go home?

Did the big bad city chew me up and spit me out?

NfromNYC June 2008 - ? (Now?)

I remember when my notes held love and passion and promise.

"Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up."

I miss you. I won't give up till you know how I feel.

Just after I wrote that last blog. I broke down. I guess I wasn't as at peace as I thought.

Does everyone look back and wish they'd done their day differently? Just the little things. Been a little slicker. Talked a little slower. Smiled a bit more.

Hugged just a bit longer.

"The only thing that matters is just following your heart and eventually you'll finally get it right."

If I left here. Would anyone feel it? Would my words and actions resonate in peoples minds and bones?

This blog is my unopenned letter to the world.

World, I love you. Just sometimes, I wish you made more sense.

"Discordant words at best... Confusing and uninteresting... A real let down." - An excert from my review of this blog.
