Sunday, September 7, 2008

Box of Us

I listened to this music all night. 5 Songs on repeat. Hours on end.
And when I woke up this morning, I took a shower, and turned it back on.

It’s hard to let go of something you know brought you joy. Hard to accept that, sometimes, good things come to an end for a good reason. Be it work or love, it always seems like something can be fixed. Something could be done differently. And then your brain begins to play the what-if-game.

Well, I’m getting tired of having a one track mind.

It’s funny though. If you asked anyone close to me. Well, almost anyone. What was on my mind constantly? I don’t really think anyone would be even close.

No one realizes how much you hurt until you tell them.

I finally mailed the box yesterday. It seemed like an insurmountable obstacle. It also seems trivial. A dress. A picture. A book or two. But it was really the final release. Sending out that piece of paper that I hung on my wall for over a year took a lot out of me. Like packaging and taping up a box full of hopeful dreams.

I got to the post office 10 minutes late. The nice postmaster smiled and let me in.

I’m changing the music now. And with any luck, my day too.

Guess I’ve been doing a lot of changing lately.

If you want to listen along. It’s The Starting Line; Make Yourself At Home e.p.

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