Monday, November 24, 2008

Small Town Memories

The sign just north of me reads "Bienvenue Montpelier, Capitale du Vermont."

My french accent is attrocious. But somehow, after reading it and saying it over and over again, atleast I have that phrase down-pat.

This town is happy. It has a genuine feeling to it. Sure it may not be, or never be, everything you want. And you might not be able to live out your big city dreams here. Or grocery shop after 11:00. But it is what it is. It is a gentle reminder of a simpler time.

It makes me smile.

And truth be told. I kind of miss it here. Except the snow.

No more snow. Never again.

I almost feel like, one day, I could live here again. Settle my old bones and plant some roots. In a town where people wink because they like their lives. And hold doors just because they have the time.

But I'm not slowed down enough for it yet. Not nearly. The pulse of New York beats inside me. The rush and hustle of grit and asphalt is my mind's playground and my daily grind.

"I haunt the halls of Madison at night. Choking back the urge to fight."

It's a nice place to live. But I wouldn't wanna visit here.

- N

Wait for me Montpelier. Don't change. I'll be back someday. Or maybe just to the idea of you.

Fine. You can change... But just a little.

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